Adjustment Covid-19
Safe Holidays to Kelly Hotel
Hotel Kelly is ready to welcome you with only safety in mind!
We thought long and when we were unsure of the Safety for You, for our Staff and for Us, we decided. It will be a summer a little different, but in total Safety.
We stick to all the protocols of the ministerial that we allow the highest levels of safety and sanitation, even if for us to clean has always been the most important of all, the very basis of our work, our customers know well.
Summer will be more peaceful, because in order to ensure the distance , we have reduced the tables in the dining room and the rooms they rented, to have less guests in the Hotel, but more serene.
Entertainment and activities at the hotel may be subject to change
You can already book with great serenity on your vacation, you will always be close even though distance and you’ll get back your Summer!